Dear Readers,

Flicking through the channels you might not find a channel you like. Let’s talk about tuning into your channel.



A client has met with a chapter of accidents over the last few years, like a car accident, ear infections, strict orders from her boss ...etc.

The other day, as soon as she sat on her chair at her office, she was given some tasks by four colleagues at the same time. So people around her just smirked at her.

On the other hand, she always has a good time on weekends. How are those two things so different?

She had tried to overcome her weaknesses at her work. Now if we think about it, bad signs sometimes happened to her like notifications.

"Is your job what you really want to do now?" "You should focus on what you really want to do and you just tune the channel to what you really want to see."

And then, I heard a raven crowing near my veranda. My client heard that over the Skype, too. We laughed together. What great timing! What does it mean?

After our session, she emailed me.

I wondered why I hadn’t had any problems on my weekends but I struggled in troubled times at work.
Now I understand. I had been focusing on problems and I tried to become good, serious, and motivated personnel. If I acted like someone else, I would be pained forever.

"You should focus on what you really want to do and you just tune the channel to what you really want to see." What you cleverly said enabled me to get things back into focus.

And then, the crow cawed, so somehow I asked myself, "Why did he caw?" Then, I remembered a song about a crow.

"Hey, you. Why are you cawing? I have my own way." Oh no! This lyric is a comedy one! I take it literally that I have my own way and follow my heart.

Looks like she could changes her focus at once and became more creative!

Are you using your cosmic inner antenna? Use it or lose it?


Have a great week☆彡

Thanks for reading!

Hitomi Horiguchi